PlantSight SPPID Bridge Help

Class Mapping

There are two different sheets for mapping of classes, BaseClassMapping and LeafClassMapping.

Base Class Mapping

The BaseClassMapping sheet has a list of all SmartPlant PID "Class name" - s (SPTypes), and the corresponding OpenPlant class name value. Values in a column OPPID "Class name2" can be changed.

Example: SmartPlant PID Component <Mechanical> is mapped to OPPID <GENERIC_EQUIPMENT>

The "Conditional property Column" value is used to Map components to leaf OpenPlant classes depending on the Property value. If the matching OpenPlant LeafClass is not found, the value from the Base class mapping will be used.

Leaf Class Mapping

Due to the different component hierarchy of SmartPlant PID components, Leaf Class Mapping was added to specify more precise OpenPlant class name than a mapped Base class name.

Example: SmartPlant PID ‘Vessel with EquipmentType = Column’ is mapped to OpenPlant ‘TOWER’ class. Other non-mapped leaf classes are mapped according to BaseClassMapping, as an OpenPlant ‘VESSEL‘ class.